Mask of Cain
Created by: Dwight Angelito
Written by: Mathis Glover and Randy Bowen
Mask of Cain is a high-stakes adventure series that blends the thrill of Indiana Jones with the mind-bending concept of The Matrix. The story follows a disillusioned thief searching for a mysterious artifact tied to humanity's oldest betrayal. This discovery catapults him into a battle against mythical gods and secret societies, forcing him to confront the hidden threads of his past and his role in shaping the future.
At its core, Mask of Cain is a journey of identity, redemption, and purpose. As the protagonist unravels ancient mysteries, he must face his own inner darkness and discover what it truly means to belong in a world teetering on the edge of chaos.
Created in collaboration with a team of passionate writers, Mathis Glover and Randy Owen, Mask of Cain weaves mythology, history, and spirituality into a story that challenges perceptions, ignites imagination, and leaves audiences questioning their own place in the greater narrative.
Step into the world of Mask of Cain—a tale where betrayal, truth, and destiny collide.
Meet the Team
Meet the creative minds behind Mask of Cain, combining visionary storytelling, heartfelt dedication, and unparalleled craftsmanship to bring this epic tale to life.